Uroglena volvox | © Ulrich Drabiniok
The Landestalsperrenverwaltung (LTV) of the Free State of Saxony has been conducting proficiency tests for phytoplankton analysis since 2007. The LTV is a provider accredited according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17043 and DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025 guidelines. Proficiency tests are used to check the quality and suitability of laboratories within the framework of external quality assurance.
In our proficiency tests, the participating laboratories receive identical samples that have to be analysed according to predefined criteria. The reference counting chamber, that is developed by EQAT Phytoplankton, helps to distinguish systematic errors from errors related to the detection of algae. The participants' results are evaluated by the experts of the LTV using standardised statistical procedures, and terminates with the dispatch of a certificate and result sheets. Proficiency tests are thus of central importance in the quality management of the participating laboratories. Laboratories from all over Europe take part in our tests.
EQAT Phytoplankton is a joint activity of the Landestalsperrenverwaltung des Freistaates Sachsen (LTV) and the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Trinkwassertalsperren e.V. (ATT). The proficiency tests are conducted at the LTV laboratory in Plauen. The quality management system of our laboratory was successfully audited by the German Accreditation Body Berlin on the basis of DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025: 2018. The counting of phytoplankton according to DIN EN 15204: 2006 is part of this accreditation.